Career Change at 30: How to Change Your Career at 30

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In this Career Change blog series, I’ll be exploring the dynamics of a career change at three different age milestones: 30, 40, and 50. One thing to remember about career change is that no matter what age you are, it’s possible if you want to make it happen. Career change at 30 is possible for anyone that really wants it! … Read More

Career Change Guide: The 4 Types of Career Changes

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career change

I’m starting off January 2022 by launching a career change blog series. I originally wrote this particular article back in November 2019 (such a carefree and innocent time!) Since this article was first written, we’ve experienced (and are still experiencing!) a global pandemic and the great resignation – the biggest impacts to the labour market in recent history. These shifts … Read More

Top Five Signs Your Resume Needs an Update

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Sometimes it can be difficult to know when to update your resume. Job search trends can change quickly – and something that looked great five years ago may now look irrelevant. It’s well worth taking a step back and trying to take an impartial look at your resume – or perhaps even getting an opinion from a friend or even a professional. … Read More

How The Chaos Theory Of Careers Can Help You

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What is the Chaos Theory of Careers? The Chaos Theory of Careers embraces the idea that career paths are not always linear, measurable, or predictable. People’s careers can’t generally be predicted: in fact, they change and evolve, often in unexpected ways. In today’s working world, with such developments as the gig economy and the suggestion that the average person may … Read More

What is Personal Branding, Anyway?

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interview preparation career coaching

Personal branding is a term we hear a lot about, but many people don’t understand what is really is. It’s an item on many of our to-do-lists, but we often never get around to fully exploring its meaning and how to use it to our advantage. This article explores some Frequently Asked Questions about personal branding and addresses a simple … Read More

Applicant Tracking Systems: Getting Past the Myths

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What, exactly, is an ATS? The latest challenge in resume writing: getting your resume past the robots and into the hands of HR! Almost all large organizations, along with some medium-sized and small ones, rely on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to assist with scanning, screening and ranking resumes. If you’re job hunting, you’ll definitely want to make sure your resume … Read More

Discovering Your Career Values

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When dealing with career dissatisfaction, one of the first things we think about is finding our passion. Figuring out how to do what we love. And it’s true – it’s essential to think about doing something we enjoy. It’s crucial to know our interests when figuring out our ideal career. However, possibly the most important consideration when it comes to … Read More

Social Media and Recruitment: What You Should Know

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social media recruitment

Social media is everywhere these days, but it’s a bit difficult to determine exactly how it should fit into your job search. A lot of companies are recruiting via Social Media these days, and surprisingly, it’s not only LinkedIn. Stats say that Facebook and Twitter are being used quite often as well. This may depend greatly upon industry (it’s worth noting … Read More