What is a Career Coach?

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When I explain to people that I’m a career coach, I often get asked “What is that EXACTLY?” Most people have an idea of what a career coach does, but they don’t totally understand. And hey, that doesn’t surprise me. It’s not a job that you hear about every day, and most people haven’t worked with one before. To help … Read More

Laid Off From Your Job? Here’s What To Do Next.

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Well, March 2020 was one crazy month. As a Career Coach, I can definitely say that this is an unprecedented time of uncertainty for all of us across all aspects of our lives. That, unfortunately, includes the job market. We’ve seen some unbelievable statistics lately about the number of business closures and layoffs across not only just Canada, but the … Read More

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

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interview coach vancouver

As an Interview Coach, I know how stressful job interviews can be. It’s never easy to prepare for an interview, especially if you’re busy, nervous, or if the interview’s coming up quickly. I’ll start off by saying that you definitely need to make sure you do everything you need to do the day before, in terms of getting your outfit … Read More

Career Change at 50+: How to Change Your Career at 50+

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In this Career Change blog post series, I’ll be exploring the dynamics of a career change at three different age milestones: 30, 40, and 50. One thing to remember about career change is that no matter what age you are, it’s possible if you want to make it happen. Of course, along the way, there are different challenges unique to … Read More

Career Change at 40: How To Change Your Career at 40

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career change at 40

In this Career Change blog series, I’ll be exploring the dynamics of a career change at three different age milestones: 30, 40, and 50. One thing to remember about career change is that no matter what age you are, it’s possible if you want to make it happen. Of course, along the way, there are different challenges unique to each … Read More