Career Kickstart Coaching Package
In this package designed for students, learn more about yourself and your personality, interests, values, and preferences through four popular career assessments. This package also includes 2 coaching sessions to review the assessment results, clarify your preferences, and map out a plan to achieve your goals.
Assessments Include:
- Career Values Scale: The Career Values Scale (CVS) is an up-to-date measure of work values, preferences and needs. The Career Values Scale Report provides a graphic overview of your values in order to examine the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in your life to identify careers that will be an excellent fit for you.
- Strong Interest Inventory: This assessment provides robust insights into a person’s career interests. It helps discover potential careers that may not have been previously considered and provides a wealth of information about approaching the world of work.
- Myers-Briggs Career Report: Focused on careers, this famous and popular personality assessment categorizes people into 16 possible psychological types. This report focuses on how your personality is matched with a variety of career opportunities.
- The Jackson Career Explorer (JCE) is an interest assessment that guides people toward satisfying and fulfilling careers. The comprehensive report provides a wealth of personalized career information including the following features:
- Fit with 32 different Job Groups and in-depth information on the individual’s top 3 jobs
- Fit with 17 different Education Groups
- Ranks 34 Basic Interests
- Highlights Work Personality preferences
- Showcases thousands of job resources customized to the individual’s results, including action steps and interpretive tips
- Provides links to over 850 sample job codes from O*NET or NOC, organizations, and web-based career resources