What is a Career Coach?

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When I explain to people that I’m a career coach, I often get asked “What is that EXACTLY?” Most people have an idea of what a career coach does, but they don’t totally understand. And hey, that doesn’t surprise me. It’s not a job that you hear about every day, and most people haven’t worked with one before.

To help clear things up (and maybe dispel a few myths), I thought I’d write a quick article to explain what a Career Coach is, and how a Career Coach might be able to help you.

To be clear, there isn’t a “neat and tidy” definition of a Career Coach. There are a lot of definitions out there, but more generally, I like to define a Career Coach as a professional who supports you to maximize your career potential and growth. I realize that’s pretty general – but overall that’s what Career Coaches aim to do.

career exploration vancouver

Not All Career Coaches Are The Same

Based on the above definition, there’s a lot of ways that a professional can help you to maximize your career potential and growth. And as a result, different Career Coaches have varying skillsets and approaches to support you in reaching your goals. Some may specialize in a specific career area, such as career transition or interview coaching, and some may have a broader focus. Another aspect of finding your career path may include completing psychometric assessments, which requires a career coach that has taken specialized training in this area.

Career Coaches may also come from a wide range of educational and career backgrounds. Many are certified coaches, some may be Human Resources professionals, others might be counsellors, and still others may come from an entirely different professional background. For example, coaches in industry-specific professions such as accounting, law, or engineering, may decide to transition into coaching to offer their expertise in these specific fields.

Many career coaches may strictly “guide” you to discover your path on your own, rather than provide advice regarding the specifics, such as advising you on steps to take regarding resume writing, interviewing, job searching, networking, and other areas.

My background is in Human Resources Management and I worked in HR roles for 10+ years before transitioning into Career Coaching. After many years in HR, I realized that I was most interested in the professional development of employees and helping them grow in their careers, rather than focusing on corporate HR policies and procedures. That’s why I decided to start my company!

What is the difference between a Career Coach and a Career Counsellor?

That’s a great question! Overall, I’d say there isn’t that much of a difference in practice between a Career Counsellor and a Career Coach. Keep in mind that there isn’t really a formal definition of either term.

However, one major difference might be that a Career Counsellor is a clinical counsellor and qualified to provide psychotherapy and other counselling services. If you need support in this area, that might be a very important factor. (Although keep in mind that the term “career counsellor” doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is a licensed mental health professional!)

For the most part, when deciding on a Career Counsellor or Coach, I believe your decision should be based on how they can help you as a unique individual. As I mentioned, all Career Coaches have different skillsets, backgrounds, and philosophies – so the best strategy is to do a bit of research and figure out who is the right match for YOU.

How Can A Career Coach Help Me?

A Career Coach can help you in many different ways. Depending on the coach and their areas of expertise, you might find that they’re able to help you in ANY of the following scenarios:

  • Exploring Career Options
  • Deciding on a New Career Path
  • Transitioning to a New Career
  • Writing a Resume That Gets Results
  • Creating Engaging LinkedIn Profiles & Cover Letters
  • Administering Psychometric Assessments
  • Learning How to Interview Successfully
  • Resolving Challenging Workplace Situations
  • Improving Networking Skills / Navigating the Hidden Job Market
  • Learning How To Improve Workplace Communication
  • Job Search Strategy & Career Planning
  • Building & Improving Leadership Skills
  • Salary Negotiation and Compensation
  • Advancing in Your Career / Getting a Promotion
  • Getting Perspective On Your Career!

My Career Coaching Process

For me personally as a Career Coach, I adjust my approach to the needs of each individual client. Depending on the situation, a client may simply require guidance to reach their own decisions, especially if they are exploring potential careers, seeking career clarity, or navigating a career transition. Career coaches can support and guide you in the journey to discover your ideal career, but only you can decide what’s best for you. The role of career coaches in these areas is purely supportive.

On the other hand, I think it’s important to advise clients if I think I have knowledge to share that might benefit them. This especially includes advising on resume writing techniques and interviewing strategies. It also includes providing advice from an HR perspective, as well as offering advice on different types of job opportunities, job search strategies, networking techniques, compensation negotiation, and other areas.

I think it’s important to focus on finding a balance between providing advice and supporting clients in making their own decisions. With all my clients, I emphasize creating a collaborative process to explore career possibilities, develop strategies, and set goals in order to help clients achieve career success.

Interested in learning more? You can find out more about my services here: Career Coach Vancouver , or feel free to get in touch with me (check out my Contact Page) if you’d like to learn more!

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